Monday, September 30, 2019

The Injustice of Plastics

Disadvantages of Plastics are 1. Flammable – This is definitely an advantage in that they can be melted down, however smoldering plastics can release toxic fumes into the environment. 2. Cost of Recycling – While recycling is a plus, recycling is a very costly endeavor. 3. Volume – In the United States 20% of our landfill is made up of plastics. As more products are being made of plastics, where will this lead us in the future? 4. Durability – This is an advantage as well as a disadvantage. Plastics are extremely durable, which means that they last a long time.Those plastics in the landfill will be there for years. Plastics make our lives easier, however is their cost on the environment worth it? We can only hope that soon someone will invent a way to safely and cheaply melt and reuse plastics. A plastic material is any of a wide range of synthetic or semi-synthetic organic amorphous solids[citation needed] used in the manufacture of industrial products. P lastics are typically polymers of high molecular mass, and may contain other substances to improve performance and/or reduce costs. Monomers of plastic are either natural or synthetic organic compounds.The word plastic is derived from the Greek (plastikos) meaning capable of being shaped or molded, from (plastos) meaning molded. [1][2] It refers to their malleability, or plasticity during manufacture, that allows them to be cast, pressed, or extruded into a variety of shapes—such as films, fibers, plates, tubes, bottles, boxes, and much more. The common word plastic should not be confused with the technical adjective plastic, which is applied to any material which undergoes a permanent change of shape (plastic deformation) when strained beyond a certain point.Aluminum, for instance, is plastic in this sense, but not a plastic in the common sense; in contrast, in their finished forms, some plastics will break before deforming and therefore are not plastic in the technical se nse. There are two types of plastics: thermoplastics and thermosetting polymers. Thermoplastics will soften and melt if enough heat is applied; examples are polyethylene, polystyrene, polyvinyl chloride and polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)[3]. Thermosets can melt and take shape once; after they have solidified, they stay solid.Overview Plastics can be classified by chemical structure, namely the molecular units that make up the polymer's backbone and side chains. Some important groups in these classifications are the acrylics, polyesters, silicones, polyurethanes, and halogenated plastics. Plastics can also be classified by the chemical process used in their synthesis, such as condensation, polyaddition, and cross-linking. [4] Other classifications are based on qualities that are relevant for manufacturing or product design.Examples of such classes are the thermoplastic and thermoset, elastomer, structural, biodegradable, and electrically conductive. Plastics can also be classified by various physical properties, such as density, tensile strength, glass transition temperature, and resistance to various chemical products. Due to their relatively low cost, ease of manufacture, versatility, and imperviousness to water, plastics are used in an enormous and expanding range of products, from paper clips to spaceships.They have already displaced many traditional materials, such as wood; stone; horn and bone; leather; paper; metal; glass; and ceramic, in most of their former uses. The use of plastics is constrained chiefly by their organic chemistry, which seriously limits their hardness, density, and their ability to resist heat, organic solvents, oxidation, and ionizing radiation. In particular, most plastics will melt or decompose when heated to a few hundred degrees celsius. [5] While plastics can be made electrically conductive to some extent, they are still no match for metals like copper or aluminum. citation needed] Plastics are still too expensive to replace wo od, concrete and ceramic in bulky items like ordinary buildings, bridges, dams, pavement, and railroad ties. Chemical structure Common thermoplastics range from 20,000 to 500,000 amu, while thermosets are assumed to have infinite molecular weight. These chains are made up of many repeating molecular units, known as repeat units, derived from monomers; each polymer chain will have several thousand repeating units. The vast majority of plastics are composed of polymers of carbon and hydrogen alone or with oxygen, nitrogen, chlorine or sulfur in the backbone. Some of commercial interests are silicon based. ) The backbone is that part of the chain on the main â€Å"path† linking a large number of repeat units together. To customize the properties of a plastic, different molecular groups â€Å"hang† from the backbone (usually they are â€Å"hung† as part of the monomers before linking monomers together to form the polymer chain). This fine tuning of the properties of the polymer by repeating unit's molecular structure has allowed plastics to become such an indispensable part of twenty first-century world.Some plastics are partially crystalline and partially amorphous in molecular structure, giving them both a melting point (the temperature at which the attractive intermolecular forces are overcome) and one or more glass transitions (temperatures above which the extent of localized molecular flexibility is substantially increased). The so-called semi-crystalline plastics include polyethylene, polypropylene, poly (vinyl chloride), polyamides (nylons), polyesters and some polyurethanes. Many plastics are completely amorphous, such as polystyrene and its copolymers, poly (methyl methacrylate), and all thermosets.Almost every market that you go today, you will see people carrying their shopping items in plastic bags. Right from food items to clothes to shoes, there is hardly any item that we do not use a plastic bag to carry. However, before stuffin g your home with different styles, colors and shapes of plastic bags, have you every considered the dangers that are inherent in using them? No? Then, reading through this article is a must for you. Go through the following lines and explore the disadvantages of plastic bags. After reading them, we are sure that you will prefer sticking to paper bags and the like. Dangers Of Using Plastic BagsEnvironmental Damage Plastic bags have been known to cause a lot of environmental damage. A single plastic bag can take up to 1000 years, to decay completely. This makes the bags stay in environments longer, in turn leading to great build-up on the natural landscape (much more than degradable materials like paper). In other words, the more plastic bags you use, the greater the chances of environmental damage. Threat To Animal Life As per Marrickville Council of Australia, as many as 100,000 whales, turtles and birds die have been reported to die every year, mainly because of plastic in their en vironment.Plastic bags not only have adverse effects on our natural habitats, but have also been found to be responsible for the death of many animals, mainly on account of the suffocation encountered on eating them. Suffocation Not only animals, infants and young children have also been reported to have lost their life, on account of plastic bags. Since plastic bags are thin and airtight as well, children often end up blocking their mouths and nostrils with them. In case they are not being monitored by an adult, this leads to suffocation and, in some cases, even death.Pollution Plastic bags are extremely durable. In case you are thinking of this as an advantage, just bring to mind an image of the huge landfill that you visited on the city outskirts, the other day. In most probability, majority of the rubbish present there will comprise of plastic bags only. In other words, plastic bags have led to a great increase in the pollution levels. Fumes Since plastic bags are not bio-degrad able, the only way to get rid of them is to burn them up. Though lighting a match to them is easy, it has more than its fair share of disadvantages.The biggest of them is that smoldering plastics can release toxic fumes into the environment, in turn taking the air pollution to much higher levels. Non-renewable One of the main disadvantages of plastic bags is that they are not renewable. The reason behind this is that they are made of petrochemicals, a non-renewable source of energy. They can be recycled, but not as easily as paper bags. Plastic bags can last for as much as hundred of years. In other words, long after you are no more, the plastic bag used by you will be in existence. Plastics are manufactured from petroleum.This brings a host of issues (destruction of habitat, extraction of crude oil, security issues from the volatile countries where oil is produced, processing of petroleum, chemical manipulation into various types of plastics). The manufacture involves many chemical s, many of which have not been sufficiently tested for their toxicological impact on humans or animals. The final plastic product is often a chemical entity that in and of itself has had insufficient toxicological and ecotoxicological testing. An example would be PVC, forms of which are banned in Europe but exist widely in children's toys in America.Recent controversies over plastic bottles (many toxicologists recommending not re-using plastic water bottles and not storing food in tupperware) have highlighted the potential risks. Exacerbating the problem is that science is only now advancing to where it can detect plastic components in human blood and then trace concentrations and link them to human ailments and diseases. The plastics industry itself often spins plastic and related plastic chemicals into a variety of products, some of which are hazardous and controversial (Teflon, PVC, Polyethylene, polystyrene, various silicones in body and hair care).Plastic-producing companies ar e often chemical companies or subsidiaries of chemical companies, both with poor track records when it comes to their adherence to regulatory compliance and their willingness to perform toxicological analysis on the products they make. Plastics often leech component chemicals, including hazardous chemicals, through common temperature changes. It is for this reason that toxicologists do not recommend storing very cold foods in plastics or heating foods (microwaving especially) in plastics. Plastics are durable materials.Thus, they are hard to eliminate once used and create tremendous waste. While some common plastics can be recycled (#1 and #2 plastics used in common soda and milk bottles), the vast majority cannot. They take up a lot of space in landfills and create air pollution when incinerated. The Disadvantages of Plastic Skylights Although plastic skylights are safer and sturdier than glass skylights, they do pose several long term disadvantages. Firstly, because they are made in single sheets, they can only be curved or bent in one area, which limits design options.Secondly, all plastics deteriorate in strength and light transmission as time passes, due to ultraviolet rays, heat and oxidation (and none can be entirely prevented). And finally, the life and service of plastic materials is highly unpredictable. Therefore choosing the plastics you will use for a plastic skylight requires much research and first hand knowledge. This is where Roof 101 can help – our contractors have worked with all kinds of plastics in plastic skylights, and their first hand experience could greatly assist you in reaching a decision.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Heart of Darkness Essay

The main theme of the novel Heart of Darkness is the darkness of the human nature and its destructive influence on human beings. This research paper aims to analyze the character and personal downfall of Kurtz and use him as an example for the darkness of the human nature. It will show how easily a man can experience bad fate; Kurtz was an ambitious man full of hope who came to Africa in search for wealth and fortune and ended up going insane and dying. Kurtz is an agent of the Trade Company, in fact, one of the best agents. He works for them in Africa in an ivory country, collecting ivory, and he has the ability to collect a lot more ivory than any other man. He is an ambitious, charismatic person willing to do anything that is needed to achieve greatness. Although Kurtz is the main character of the story, most of the things we learn about him come indirectly to us; there are always some people who tell stories about him. His greatest desire is the one for gaining a fortune through ivory and that desire led him to Africa. But he did not do everything on his own will, he was a representative of the European colonizers, and he only did what they wanted him to do. Just to give an example, when he enslaved the natives and even slaughtered them at the Inner Station, the Trade Company did not do anything about that, they did not stop or accuse him. He was only praised for his talented capacity of collecting ivory. Kurtz was of the belief that he could achieve everything as he wished as long as he tried hard. He was also a very greedy person, as were all of the colonizers; it was a common characteristic for them. That way, he shows a great desire for fame, power and wealth. Kurtz had absolute power at the Inner Station; he had the ability to get everything and everyone under his control. Kurtz made clear statements what kind of men he wanted to work for him, he did not want weak men, or men â€Å"of that sort†, he immediately sent them away: â€Å"‘Yes, ‘answered the manager; ‘he sent his assistant down the river with a note to me in these terms: â€Å"Clear this poor devil out of the country, and don’t bother sending more of that sort. I had rather be alone than have the kind of men you can dispose of with meâ€Å" (Chapter 2, 33). He was as well really cruel, and he ruled the place with the use of his cruelty. The heads of the natives who offended him were standing outside his windows and they only proved Kurtz’s cruelty. He proved his greediness and cruelty once again when he threatened to shoot the Russian if he refused to give him his ivory: â€Å"He declared he would shoot me unless I gave him the ivory and then cleared out of the country, because he could do so, and had a fancy for it, and there was nothing on earth to prevent him killing whom he jolly well pleasedâ€Å" (Chapter 3, 56). Kurtz was a pretty normal, somewhat ambitious person who got in touch with the wilderness of Africa and fell prey to it. He believes that he must approach the natives as a god, ant that only this way he can survive in the wilderness and lead the people to civilization. But his obsession for power and wealth and his greediness did not let him last long in the jungle as the wilderness pretty soon took his sanity and all that was the old Kurtz: â€Å"It had taken him, loved him, embraced him, got into his veins, consumed his flesh, and sealed his soul to its own by the inconceivable ceremonies of some devilish initiationâ€Å" (Chapter 2, 49). Kurtz could not be saved at the end, because he did not want to leave the place where he earned his wealth and fame, even if it meant that he would save his life. All the power that he had did not allow him to leave his territory to other hands. At the end of the story, Kurtz becomes very ill. His sickness could easily be a reflection of his diseased and sick mind. His sickness also shows the great power of the wilderness to suck out all that is human from a man and leave him so weak and helpless as Kurtz was in the end. His last words â€Å"The Horror! The Horror! † (Chapter 3, 71) may represent all the strange and horrible things that he went through in Africa and all his actions, slaughtering and enslaving he did to the natives. Kurtz seems to be regretful about his actions, as it was not really his choice to become the man he was at the end, it was more the wilderness and the act of colonization, which he was a victim of, that destroyed his soul. At that time, he believed that he was doing the right thing by supporting the colonization and enslavement program.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Analyse the comedy in Act 3 Scene 4 of 'Twelfth Night'

Analyse the comedy in Act 3 Scene 4 of Twelfth Night Essay Shakespeares romantic comedy Twelfth Night involves deception, trickery and love, typical themes in Elizabethan drama. This theme of romance intertwined with comedy is suggested by the title which implies that a play set in the Christmas season is going to be full of love, happiness and celebration. The literary tradition of an Elizabethan comedy would involve many techniques to make the audience laugh, such as a convoluted plot, mistaken identity, disguise, comic characters and verbal humour. Twelfth Night is no exception to this. Its main theme is love but the path to true love is not simple for any of the characters and involves certain love triangles, where Orsino thinks he loves Olivia, who loves Cesario (Viola), who is in love with Orsino. Added to all this is the complication of Sir Andrew Aguecheek being spurred on by Sir Toby to woo Olivia and Malvolio having a trick played on him which makes him believe that his mistress, Olivia loves him. Many of these plots and sub-plots come to a head in Act3 Scene 4 in a very comic manner. Malvolio provides much of the visual humour in this scene. Olivia sends for him on a serious matter, saying: Wheres Malvolio? He is sad and civil, And suits well for a servant with my fortunes: The audience would be full of anticipation at this point as Malvolio has been told in a letter supposedly sent to him by Olivia to smile a lot more, something which is totally against his usual character. When he walks on stage he is wearing yellow cross-gartered stockings which he thinks he has been commended to wear. This would make the audience laugh as it is so different to the Puritans clothes that he was wearing earlier in the play. It was also mentioned earlier that Olivia despises the colour yellow so her reaction to seeing her steward dressed so comically would add to the humour of the scene. Malvolio starts to quote from the letter he received from Maria. He never once suspects that it is not real and truly believes that Olivia could love him, which is where much of the comedy derives from, as he is so confident that Olivia understands what he is talking about when he quotes from the letter. His pride and arrogance that he is worthy to marry Olivia is extremely funny. It is also the dramatic irony that makes it humourous, as the audience and most of the characters realise where he is quoting from whereas Olivia doesnt understand what he is talking about and believes it to be midsummer madness. It is very entertaining to see Malvolio act in such a way, smiling insanely, as it is a complete contrast between his earlier self, very pompous and arrogant. However, he as he has been told in the letter, he speaks rudely to the other characters and believes himself to be not of (their) element, which is funny because actually he is no more important than any of the other servants. It is also the frustration that he shows when people arent taking him seriously that makes the audience laugh. It is funny when Malvolio makes his grand exit, as he is acting an extremely bossy and arrogant manner but looks ridiculous so the contrast is comical. In fact, this whole scene is a contrast to the main theme of love and romance. Another example of visual comedy in Act 3 Scene 4 would come from the duel between Sir Andrew Aguecheek and Viola (as Cesario). Sir Andrew is essentially a figure of fun throughout the play, being described as a foolish knight by Sir Toby and having hair which hangs like flax on a distaff which would make him look really odd. He has written a challenge to Viola because he thinks he is a rival for Olivias affection, but when Sir Toby reads it out, it is totally nonsensical. Fabian says of it: READ: Masks In The Twelfth Night EssayVery brief and to exceedingly good sense (Aside) less. Sir Andrew is very proud of the challenge so it is funny to see how he takes it so seriously even when the other characters are mocking his prose behind his back by using asides and whispers to each other. Sir Toby and Fabian decide not to show the letter to Viola, but instead they tell him verbally that Sir Andrew is a very noble and valiant knight, something that the audience knows isnt true and would cause much amusement: He is indeed, sir, the most bloody, and fatal opposite that you could possibly have found in any part of Illyria. They then say similar things to Viola about Sir Andrew: Why, man, hes a very devil.They say he has been fencer to the Sophy. When the two come to fight, they are both absolutely terrified of the other and that provides opportunities for plenty of visual humour with Sir Andrew and Fabian practically having to drag them towards each other with their swords drawn. It is comic irony that Olivia is unaware of Sir Andrews love for her and has been rejected by Cesario, so really there is no point in the duel in the first place. The actual preparation for the fight is almost slapstick, especially when Antonio comes running in to take Cesarios place. The confusion that arises here is humorous, as it is funny to see Antonio confusing Cesario for Sebastian at the same time as Sir Toby would be mystified by who this stranger is. Fabian and Sir Toby then add another part to their joke by convincing Sir Andrew that Cesario is a coward and has run away. They want him to follow and cuff him soundly, which is funny because Andrew had previously been against the duel because he thought he would be beaten, but now that he thinks he has a chance of winning he is suddenly full of valour. The situation is becoming completely absurd at this point, something that the audience would find very amusing. Another form of comedy running throughout the play is cross-dressing. Audiences in Shakespearean times would find it funny to see a man acting the part of a woman pretending to be a man. This is because all parts in those days were played by males, with female roles being played by boys before their voices deepened. The fact that there is so much pretence involved makes it doubly ironic. It would be funny to see Viola, a woman, being asked to duel by Sir Andrew and being so scared that she is almost tempted to reveal her disguise. She says in an aside just before she is due to fight: A little thing would make me tell them how much I lack of a man. One of the main linguistic forms of comedy used by Shakespeare is puns, which are still used today but probably had more relevance to a Shakespearean audience than to us. This is because the puns were in the language of the time and were understood far more easily than they are today. It is also funny to see other people being the object of the pun, and misunderstanding of words. For instance, when Olivia believes Malvolio to be mad, she suggests that he go to bed. However, he misinterprets this remark and believes her to be offering for him to go to bed with her. To bed? Ay, Sweetheart, and Ill come to thee. During Shakespeares time, the words made and mad were pronounced the same. He has used this language to his advantage and creates humour by having Malvolio to say thou art made, which Olivia takes to understand that he is telling her that she is mad. This confuses her and the audience finds this funny. Another device used by Shakespeare is oxymorons. Sir Toby says that the letter, being so excellently ignorant, will breed no terror in the youth, which emphasises how bad the letter is, but is also funny for the audience to hear because excellently, and ignorant, are complete opposites. READ: Othello, by Shakespeare EssayYet another form of comedy comes from the characters. Sir Toby spends the whole scene manipulating the actions, firstly of Malvolio because of the letter he dropped in his way and the fact that he is given the task of looking after him, and then, more directly, of Sir Andrew. He is a bit like a puppet master who has Sir Andrew and, although not for such a long period, Viola dancing to his tune. When Olivia becomes worried by Malvolio who is acting totally out of character, she asks Sir Toby to take great care and look after him: Wheres my cousin Toby? Let some of my people have a special care of him; I would not have him miscarry for the half of my dowry. Sir Toby willingly plays along with pretending to be concerned about Malvolio when he knows all along what has caused his strange behaviour. He, together with Maria and Fabian, approach Malvolio and try to talk to him: .. .peace, we must deal gently with him. How do you, Malvolio? What, man, defy the devil! The audience would find this very funny, especially considering Malvolios lack of appeal as a character. Later on, Toby calls him a bawcock, which would be an insult as this was a term of endearment spoken to a child. Malvolio would have been insulted by this, adding to the audiences amusement. Tobys plans for Malvolio, to put him in a darkened room and bind him up, would have met with general amusement as well. Sir Toby manipulates the whole scene with Sir Andrew and Viola for his own entertainment. Again, as he is a character that the audience would find appealing because he is lively and, on many occasions, drunk and funny, the audience would find the whole business of the duel hilarious. The physical comedy of a man acting drunk was usually very funny to an Elizabethan audience, as it still is now. However, aside from this comedy, there is a more serious element to the plot. At the end of the scene, there is still comedy, but a hint of seriousness. If this were a tragedy, then things may well have turned out differently but as it is a comedy, we know that everything will be all right in the end. There is a hint of how these problems will be resolved in this Scene. For example, when Antonio asks Cesario for his purse, thinking that he is Sebastian, he is taken aback when he claims to not have it. When Antonio is then arrested, we are reminded that things could actually go down hill. However, Viola realises that her brother may be alive so we know eventually Sebastian will have to be mistaken for Cesario to resolve the confusion. Even though the trick on Malvolio was very funny at the time, it could have led to him becoming mad and being left in the dark room forever. The audience can even begin to feel sorry for Malvolio as the joke may have gone too far. Some people have even said that the situation with Malvolio is not completely resolved, as on his final exit he says that he will have his revenge. Ill be revengd on the whole pack of you! In spite of this, it can be said that Shakespeare never meant for the audience to feel sorry for Malvolio, and that he deserved to get his comeuppance, so there is no need for him to have a happy ending. Still, the other characters were never unpleasant, so deserved to have happy endings. As the title suggests, we know that in the celebration of Twelfth Night, all will be resolved.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Contemporary Corporate Governance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Contemporary Corporate Governance - Essay Example From the research it can be comprehended that governance refers to governing someone with the help of some specified system, policies and principles. Thus corporate governance can be described as the principles, specified processes, policies and systems which are used to govern a company. The principles of corporate governance acts as the guidelines which are used to control the activates of the company so that it can it can achieve its objectives at the same time it can also add value to the organisation in such a way so that the stakeholders can be benefited in long run. Thus corporate governance helps the management to operate in such a way so that not only the shareholders but also the other investors, employees, customer and the society as a whole can be benefited from the actions of the company. The basic premise behind the principles of corporate governance is to enable the organization to conduct its activities with fairness, maintain transparency in its operations and transa ctions, disclose all the relevant information, comply with all the rules, regulations and laws, being responsible accountable to all its stakeholders and to maintain the code of ethics while conducting its activities. Practice of ethical activities is an important part of the corporate governance. Good corporate governance enables the company to achieve investors’ confidence and achieve goodwill in the industry. Thus corporate governance is not only important for the stakeholders but also for the company too. (Thomson, 2009). OECD has described corporate governance as a system through which companies and other business organisations can be controlled as well as directed. Corporate governance helps to setup a structure as per which the responsibilities and the rights of the various members of the companies like the board of directors, employees, shareholders etc can be specified. Corporate governance set the rules, regulations and the processes of decision making regarding the activities of the company. The corporate governance helps the company in setting up the companies objectives and goals and also enable the company assess its performance and helps in achieving them. Corporate govern

Thursday, September 26, 2019


CAREER 10TH GRADE LEVEL TOPIC CHOOSEN IS ZOOLOGIST - Research Paper Example The study originated in the work of a number of writers and theorists. Like a number of contemporary subjects of knowledge such as ethics, Aristotle is regarded as one of the first thinkers to distinguish the study of animals as a distinct subject of investigation. Other early thinkers include Al-Jahizz in Asian, whose Book of Animals is regarded as a precursor to Charles Darwin’s theories of evolution. However, it wasn’t until 16th century Europe that zoology became an official scientific field of investigation. The science progressed at a gradual rate until the 19th century when the investigation of the microscope and Darwin released the Origin of the Species, which detailed his theory of natural selection, that the study of zoology was truly revolutionized. (Hickman 2007) Today zoology as a variety of subfields and types of scientific investigation. One of the main roles of the science of zoology is that of developing systems of classification for animals. This is referred to as morphography. Other subfields include the fields of comparative anatomy, which studies the anatomy of animals in relation to other animals; descriptive zoography, which investigates animals and their behavior; molecular biology is greatly concerned with the internal biological and evolutionary functions of animals and is close in contact to the study of evolutionary biology; and paleontology is the study of prehistoric life. While these subfields of zoology cover a broad spectrum of the scientific field, they are no means comprehensive, as the study of zoology is a diverse and complex as the very animals that the function to investigate. (Hickman 2007) One of the most famous zoologists in recent times and one of the individuals I am most interested in is Steve Irwin the ‘Crocodile Hunter’. While Irwin gained famed for his television show where he daringly confronted dangerous animals, he was also a

Electronic Waste Management Approaches Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Electronic Waste Management Approaches - Essay Example The disposal of electronic waste affects the health of humans in two ways. First, one can get contaminated through the food chain. Secondly, direct exposure to workers carrying out the duties at the disposal site. Since the discovery of toxic substance in electronic waste, there has been inadequate laws all over the world governing effective management of electronic waste. This has exposed the environment to risks. Large quantities of electronic waste are majorly recycled in developing nations. The number of landfills has been on the rise in both developing and developed countries. Presently there is extensive research on electronic waste management in order to minimize the problems, both at the international as well as the national levels. Research involves sorting components that could be precious metals and those that can be recycled. Several tools such as LCA, MCA, MFA and EPR approach can greatly improve most of the problems related electronic waste. Studies conducted using LCA in various countries indicate that, recycling is the most recommended plot for managing electronic waste. Finally to mitigate the electronic waste, its the role of every citizen to take responsibility in matters related disposal of electronic

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Environmental health Epidemiology Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 4

Environmental health Epidemiology - Assignment Example Certain chronic illnesses tend to be common only among elderly women and rarely affects the young ladies (Brown, 2007). Addiction, substance abuse and treatment are dependent psychosocial variables. Alcohol and drug are big contributors to the development of chronic illnesses such as liver cirrhosis. Continuous use of alcohol results in increased cases of chronic illnesses and development of complexity during care provision for the sick. Alcohol is a dependent variable of chronic illnesses as in certain instances; alcohol disorders are associated with complex services for chronic illnesses and inconsistent attendance to treatment. Chronic illness can act as a functional limitation to an addict’s ability to access health care services for the treatment of addiction. On other cases there is increased interaction with the health care facilities and access of treatment. (Gordis, 2004) Social control is an independent variable of chronic illnesses. The degree of social control between married and unmarried men varies. The married are the most affected. Social control causes health behavioral change of the recipient. It tends to lead to an improved health behavior though one is at risk of suffering from psychological distress ( Hurtig,

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

CYB Week 2 Discussion Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

CYB Week 2 Discussion - Assignment Example A ping sweep is a diagnostic method used to determine what range of Internet Protocol addresses that are in use by live hosts, usually computers. It is usually used to indicate where active computers are on a network and is sometimes used by the system administrator for identifying a network issue. Ping sweeps are also utilized by computer attackers to see which machines are active so they know where to focus their attacks (Kizza, 2005). A packet sniffer is a program that sees all of the data passing over the network of which the computer is connected to. As data creeks back and forth on the network, the program "sniffs," each packet. A packet is a section of the message that has been broken up. Example Port scanning is defined as the technique of systematically skimming a computers ports, a port is where information gets into and out of a computer, and port scanning identifies open ports to a computer. For instance, TCP Null, TCP Xmas, TCP FIN, TCP SYN, and UDP port

Monday, September 23, 2019

Compare the impacts that Mable has on the drama in making history to Essay

Compare the impacts that Mable has on the drama in making history to that of Tailor and Ella in vernon god little - Essay Example character of Mable definitely commands a considerable influence over the male protagonist in ‘Making History’, the characters named Taylor and Ella push the male protagonist in ‘Vernon God Little’ in two utterly diverse situations that further adds to the conflict of characters and situations inherent in this drama. ‘Making History’ by Brian Friel is a historical play that deals with a unique moment in the Iris history defined by a tribal chief Hugh O’Neill. This play is as much a dramatical elaboration of the historical facts, as an amorphous display of the human endowments like the strength of character, frailty of temperament, identity and pride. O’Neil is delineated by the writer as an astute character that is discernibly torn between his loyalty for Queen Elizabeth who elevated him to the position of Earl of Tyrone and his devotion to the Catholic cause in which he is aided by Archbishop Lombard and his close friend Hugh O’Donnell. If history could be interpreted as a conflict between a thesis and antithesis that is eventually resolved through synthesis, then the character of Mable is certainly the one that helps in bringing to fore this conflict inherent in O’Neill’s consciousness. In fact Mable is the one that to a great extent unravels the duplicity and complexity inherent in O’Neill’s character to which Lombard alludes to as a â€Å"random catalogue of deliberate achievement and sheer accident (Making History 67).† Thus ‘Making History’ involves mature characters with complex and intricate personalities. Hence the influence of Mable in this play is very subtle, refined and indirect that most of the times borders on the verge of unpredictability and nebulousness. On the contrary, the impact of Taylor and Ella in ‘Vernon God Little’ is not so wispy and suave though being influential as this play is more of a contemporary urban sociological commentary that relies on the intricacy of events then on the complexity of

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Ethical Leadership in Organizations Essay Example for Free

Ethical Leadership in Organizations Essay Ethical leadership is leadership that is involved in leading in a manner that respects the rights and dignity of others. As leaders are by nature in a position of social power, ethical leadership focuses on how leaders use their social power in the decisions they make, actions they engage in and ways they influence others. Leaders who are ethical demonstrate a level of integrity that is important for stimulating a sense of leader trustworthiness, which is important for followers to accept the vision of the leader. Leaders who are ethical are people-oriented, and also aware of how their decisions impact others, and use their social power to serve the greater good instead of self-serving interests. Motivating followers to put the needs or interests of the group ahead of their own is another quality of ethical leaders. Motivating involves engaging others in an intellectual and emotional commitment between leaders and followers that makes both parties equally responsible in the pursuit of a common goal. Ethical leadership falls within the nexus of inspiring, stimulating, and visionary leader behaviours that make up transformational and charismatic leadership. Ethical leaders assist followers in gaining a sense of personal competence that allows them to be self-sufficient by encouraging and empowering them. What is Ethical Leadership? One typical response to the â€Å"ethics crisis† in business is a clarion call for more â€Å"ethical leadership,† yet there are few explanations of what exactly is meant by the term. Many executives and business thinkers believe that ethical leadership is simply a matter of leaders having good character. By having â€Å"the right values† or being a person of â€Å"strong character,† the ethical leader can set the example for others and withstand any temptations that may occur along the way. Without denying the importance of good character and the right values, the reality of ethical leadership is far more complex and the stakes are much higher. Over the past 25 years, in talking to executives in a number of industries about the problems of how to lead in a world of great change—globalization, democratization, and incredible technological advances—we have identified a number of touchstones for the idea of â€Å"ethical leadership.† Our experience is often contrary to the picture of business executives one finds in public discussion where they are often seen as greedy, competitive, and only concerned with compensation. In fact most executives want to be effective in their jobs and to leave their companies and the world a better place, creating value on both fronts for those whose lives they affect. Our view of ethical leadership takes into account not only the leader but also his constituents (followers and key stakeholders), the context or situation that the leader and constituents face, the leader’s processes and skills, and the outcomes that result. Leaders are first and foremost members of their own organizations and stakeholder groups. As such, their purpose, vision, and values are for the benefit of the entire organization and its key stakeholders. â€Å"Leaders see their constituents as not just followers, but rather as stakeholders striving to achieve that same common purpose, vision, and values. These follower and stakeholder constituents have their own individuality and autonomy which must be respected to maintain a moral community.† Ethical leaders embody the purpose, vision, and values of the organization and of the constituents, within an understanding of ethical ideals. They connect the goals of the organization with that of the internal employees and external stakeholders. Leaders work to create an open, two-way conversation, thereby maintaining a charitable understanding of different views, values, and constituents’ opinions. They are open to others’ opinions and ideas because they know those ideas make the organization they are leading better. Characteristics of Ethical Leaders In today’s turbulent world, ethics and values are present at a number of levels for executives and managers—leaders who devote their time and energy to leading the process of value creation. This broader concept of ethical leadership empowers leaders to incorporate and be explicit about their own values and ethics. The following list provides a framework for developing ethical leadership. It is based on the observations of and conversations with a host of executives and students over the past 25 years, and on readings of both popular and scholarly business literature. Written from the perspective of the leader, these ten facets of ethical leaders offer a way to understand ethical leadership that is more complex and more useful than just a matter of â€Å"good character and values.† â€Å"It is important for leaders to tell a compelling and morally rich story, but ethical leaders must also embody and live the story. This is a difficult task in today’s business environment where everyone lives in a fishbowl—on public display. So many political leaders fail to embody the high-minded stories they tell at election time, and more recently, business leaders have become the focus of similar criticism through the revelations of numerous scandals and bad behaviours. CEOs in today’s corporations are really ethical role models for all of society.† 1. Articulate and embody the purpose and values of the organization. Following a series of unethical activities by Citigroup employees in Japan in 2004, new CEO Chuck Prince fired several executives, publicly accepted responsibility and bowed apologetically to Japanese officials. Not only did Prince’s message resonate within Japan, but it also signalled a new era of â€Å"shared responsibility† within the culture of Citigroup where every employee was expected to take ownership for their decisions that affected the enterprise. 2. Focus on organizational success rather than on personal ego. Ethical leaders understand their place within the larger network of constituents and stakeholders. It is not about the leader as an individual, it is about something bigger—the goals and dreams of the organization. Ethical leaders also recognize that value is in the success of people in the organization. In 1998, in a bold gesture demonstrating how he valued the company’s line employees, Roger Enrico, former Chairman and CEO of PepsiCo, chose to forego all but $1 of his salary, requesting that PepsiCo, in turn, contribute $1 million to a scholarship fund for employees’ children. In a similar manner, the founders of JetBlue began a process of matching, from their salaries, employee donations to a charity. Today, their entire salaries go to the JetBlue Crewmember Catastrophic Plan charity, to assist staff with crises not covered by insurance. The point of these examples is not that ethical leaders donate their salaries to charities, but rather that ethical leaders identify and act on levers, such as employee loyalty, that drive organizational success. 3. Find the best people and develop them. This task is fairly standard in different models of leadership. Ethical leaders pay special attention to finding and developing the best people precisely because they see it as a moral imperative—helping them to lead better lives that create more value for themselves and for others. Finding the best people involves taking ethics and character into account in the selection process. â€Å"Ethical leaders pay special attention to finding and developing the best people† Many CEOs have said to us that judging someone’s integrity is far more important than evaluating their experience and skills. Yet, in many organizations, employees are hired to fill a particular skill need with little regard to issues of integrity. 4. Create a living conversation about ethics, values and the creation of value for stakeholders. Too often business executives think that having a laminated â€Å"values card† in their wallet or having a purely compliance approach to ethics has solved the â€Å"ethics problem.† Suffice it to say that Enron and other troubled companies had these systems in place. What they didn’t have was a conversation across all levels of the business where the basics of value creation, stakeholder principles and societal expectations were routinely discussed and debated. There is a fallacy that values and ethics are the â€Å"soft, squishy† part of management. Nothing could be further from the truth. In organizations that have a live conversation about ethics and values, people hold each other responsible and accountable about whether they are really living the values. And, they expect the leaders of the organization to do the same. Bringing such a conversation to life means that people must have knowledge of alternatives, must choose every day to stay with the organization and its purpose because it is important and inspires them. Making a strong commitment to bringing this conversation to life is essential to do if one is to lead ethically. Most people know the story of Johnson and Johnson’s former CEO Jim Burke and the Tylenol product recall in the 1980s in which, at a great short-term financial cost, he pulled all potentially tampered-with products off the shelves, thereby keeping the public’s trust intact. The less well-known background to this story, however, is critical to understanding the final outcome. Well before the Tylenol crisis hit, Johnson Johnson had held a series of â€Å"challenge meetings† all around the world, where managers sat and debated their â€Å"Credo,† a statement of their purpose and principles of who they wanted to be as a company. The conversation about ethics at Johnson Johnson was alive, and in many ways made Jim Burke’s choice about handling the situation clearer than it otherwise would have been. 5. Create mechanisms of dispute. This needs to be made part of the organizational culture, not just a line item in a compliance program document. Some companies have used anonymous e-mail and telephone processes to give employees a way around the levels of management that inevitably spring up as barriers in large organizations. Many executives also have used â€Å"skip level† meetings where they go down multiple levels in the organization to get a more realistic view of what is actually going on. General Electric’s famous â€Å"workout† process—where workers meet to decide how to fix problems and make the company better—was a way for front line employees to push back against the established policies and authority of management. All of these processes lead to better decisions, more engaged employees, and an increased likelihood of avoiding damaging mistakes. In a company that takes its purpose or values seriously, there must be mechanisms of pushing back to avoid the values becoming stale and dead. Indeed, many of the current corporate scandals could have been prevented if only there were more creative ways for people to express their dissatisfaction with the actions of some of their leaders and others in the companies. The process of developing these mechanisms of dissent will vary by company, by leadership style, and by culture, but it is a crucial leadership task for value creation in today’s business world. 6. Take a charitable understanding of others’ values. Ethical leaders can understand why different people make different choices, but still have a strong grasp on what they would do and why. Following twenty-seven years in South African prisons, Nelson Mandela was still able to see the good in his jailers. After one particularly vicious jailer was being transferred away from Robbins Island because of Mandela’s protest and push back, the jailer turned to Mandela and stated â€Å"I just want to wish you people good luck.† Mandela interpreted this statement charitably as a sign that all people had some good within them, even those caught up in an evil system. Mandela felt that it was his responsibility to see this good in people and to try and bring it out. One CEO suggested that instead of seeing ethical leadership as preventing people from doing the wrong thing, we need to view it as enabling people to do the right thing. 7. Make tough calls while being imaginative. Ethical leaders inevitably have to make a lot of difficult decisions, from reorienting the company’s strategy and basic value proposition to making individual personnel decisions such as working with employees exiting the organization. Ethical leaders do not attempt to avoid difficult decisions by using an excuse of â€Å"I’m doing this for the business.† The ethical leader consistently unites â€Å"doing the right thing† and â€Å"doing the right thing for the business.† The idea that â€Å"ethical leadership† is just â€Å"being nice† is far from the truth. Often, exercising â€Å"moral imagination† is the most important task. Mohammed Yunus founded the Grameen Bank on such moral imagination. By taking the standard banking practice of only lending to people with collateral, and turning it on its head, Yunus spawned an industry of micro-lending to the poor. The Grameen Bank’s motto is that poverty belongs in a museum. In addition to having one of the highest loan repayment rates in the banking industry, the bank’s program of lending to poor women in Bangladesh to start businesses has helped millions of them to be able to feed themselves. 8. Know the limits of the values and ethical principles they live. All values have limits, particular spheres in which they do not work as well as others. The limits for certain values, for instance, may be related to the context or the audience in which they are being used. Ethical leaders have an acute sense of the limits of the values they live and are prepared with solid reasons to defend their chosen course of action. Problems can arise when managers do not understand the limits of certain values. As an example, one issue common to the recent business scandals was that managers and executives did not understand the limits of â€Å"putting shareholders first.† Attempts to artificially keep stock prices high—without creating any lasting value for customers and other stakeholders—can border on fanaticism rather than good judgment. Ethics is no different from any other part of our lives: there is no substitute for good judgment, sound advice, practical sense, and conversations with those affected by our actions. 9. Frame actions in ethical terms. Ethical leaders see their leadership as a fully ethical task. This entails taking seriously the rights claims of others, considering the effects of one’s actions on others (stakeholders), and understanding how acting or leading in a certain way will have effects on one’s character and the character of others. There is nothing amoral about ethical leaders, and they recognize that their own values may sometimes turn out to be a poor guidepost. The ethical leader takes responsibility for using sound moral judgment. But, there is a caution here. It is easy to frame actions in ethical terms and be perceived as â€Å"righteous.† Many have the view that ethics is about universal, inviolable principles that are carved into stone. We need to start with principles and values, and then work hard to figure out how they can be applied in today’s complex global business environment. Principles, values, cultures, and individual differences often conflict. Ethical leadership requires an attitude of humility rather than righteousness: a commitment to one’s own principles, and at the same time, openness to learning and to having conversations with others who may have a different way of seeing the world. Ethics is best viewed as an open conversation about those values and issues that are most important to us and to our business. It is a continual discovery and reaffirmation of our own principles and values, and a realization that we can improve through encountering new ideas.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Life expectancy, the number of years that a

Life expectancy, the number of years that a 195462 A discussion of the factors that contribute to lower life expectancy in the west of Scotland as compared to other parts of the U.K Life expectancy, the number of years that a person can expect to live on average, is a single measure of population health which is used to monitor public health, health inequalities, and the outcome of health service interventions and to allocate resources. Life expectancy in Scotland The relationship between health and wealth is complex. One as yet unexplained paradox in Scotland is that, even when matched with their English counterparts of comparable socio-economic status, Scots are relatively less healthy over a range of indicators from age standardised mortality to specific disease outcomes (Figure 1). Figure 1: Directly standardised mortality rates per 1,000 populations, 1990/92, by country and deprivation quintile. These findings suggest that there are factors at work, other than simply wealth, which are making Scots unhealthier than people in other parts of the UK (Scottish executives 2007). West of Scotland: A Description West of Scotland is one of the eight electoral regions of the Scottish Parliament which were created in 1999. In terms of local government areas the region covers: West Dunbartonshire East Renfrewshire Inverclyde Most of Renfrewshire (otherwise within the Glasgow region) Most of East Dunbartonshire (otherwise within the Central Scotland region) Part of Argyll and Bute (otherwise within the Highlands and Islands region) Part of North Ayrshire (otherwise within the South of Scotland region) Within Scotland, life expectancy is lowest for people living in the west of Scotland. According to the Scottish household survey, healthy life expectancy at birth is 63.3years and 60.3years in females and males, respectively of greater Glasgow for example. These figures are the lowest in the UK (Scottish Public Health Observatory 2007). Life in the West of Scotland While parts of west Scotland have prospered with greater employment and better paid middle-class jobs, in other parts ‘worklessness’ and low income are commonplace. The issue for west Scotland is that greater reductions in disease have been achieved elsewhere and so west Scotland’s health has become worse relatively in comparison to other UK cities. Estimates of life expectancy suggest that people living in west Scotland not only live shorter lives, but succumb to disease and illness earlier in life. An explanation to this is that the health of an individual is largely determined by the circumstances in which he or she lives. Poor health is associated with poverty, poor housing, low educational status, unemployment and a variety of other life circumstances (Tackling Health Inequalities 2007). Health inequalities within Scotland and between the west of Scotland and the rest of the UK appear to be widening. In the 10 years to 2001, average male life expectancy in Sc otland increased by 3% but the rate of increase was more rapid in the most affluent parts of the country, with the least affluent west areas falling behind (Whyte and Walsh 2004). The recent decline in death rates from common conditions such as cardiovascular disease has also been more rapid among the more affluent (Krawczyk 2004). Thus, despite the overall improvements, the west of Scotland still lags behind. Economic factors A number of trends related to the economy are also notable in West Scotland. There are now more women than men in employment in Glasgow and part-time work has grown to represent more than a quarter of all jobs. The service sector has grown to become the most important sector of the heart of West Scotland’s economy, while manufacturing employment has shrunk (Scottish Public Health Observatory 2007). Social factors It is common knowledge that those who smoke, become obese through eating a poor diet or through lack of exercise, and those who drink alcohol in excessive quantities or abuse drugs have poor health. Smoking levels in west Scotland have remained higher than those observed in other parts of the UK. Hanlon and his colleagues (2001) have shown that, by 1991, deprivation appears to explain only 40% of the excess deaths in Scotland (2001). Gillis and his colleagues (1988) have found that, at comparable daily smoking rates and levels of affluence, men in the West of Scotland are more likely to die from lung cancer than other populations in the UK or the US (Gillis 1988) (Figure 2). Figure 2: Comparison of lung cancer mortality in Renfrew and Paisley with three major cohorts in US and UK. The increasing impact of alcohol is undeniable: There are estimated to be more than 13,500 ‘problem alcohol users’ resident within Glasgow City, and since the beginning of the 1990s, there has been a striking increase in numbers of alcohol related deaths and hospitalisations especially in west Scotland. Simple projections of alcohol related deaths based on recent trends suggest that the number of alcohol related deaths in Greater Glasgow could double in the next twenty years (Figure 3) (Scottish executives 2007). Figure 3: Alcohol related mortality in West Scotland: Greater Glasgow The impact of the use of illicit drugs also serves to further decrease life expectancy in west Scotland in comparison with other parts of the UK. Between 1996 and 2004, drug related deaths in Greater Glasgow for example, rose by a third. There are estimated to be around 25,000 problem drug users in the West of Scotland, of whom more than 11,000 live in Glasgow (Scottish executives 2007). Life expectancy for drug addicts is expectedly very low and these figures will impact negatively on the overall life expectancy for the region. In Glasgow and other parts of west Scotland, it is predicted that single adults will account for 49% of all households in the next ten years, while lone parent households may rise to make up almost one in two of households with children (Scottish Public Health Observatory 2007). Obesity levels have risen exceedingly in west Scotland to the extent that in Greater Glasgow, for example, a fifth of males and almost a quarter of females are now estimated to be obese, with well over half classified as overweight. Trends in hospitalisation for diabetes, much of which is associated with obesity, have also risen dramatically in recent years (Scottish executives 2007). A cultural issue The ethnic minority population of west Scotland has risen in recent years and looks set to increase further, particularly taking into account the recent rise in the asylum seeker and refugee population. The influence of this trend on life expectancy within the region remains to be determined (Scottish Public Health Observatory 2007). Provision of services Despite improvements in overall house conditions and dramatic decreases in levels of overcrowding, housing-related problems persist for considerable numbers of residents of Greater Glasgow and the West of Scotland (Scottish Public Health Observatory 2007). Recent research suggests other important ways in which the environment and life circumstances can affect biological processes which in turn can make individuals more susceptible to ill health. By following the progress of male civil servants over a 10 year period, Marmot and his colleagues found that mortality was approximately three times greater among the lowest grades than the highest (Marmot et al 1978). When deaths from heart disease were considered, the recognised risk factors of smoking, high blood pressure and elevated cholesterol levels could account for part of the differences between the groups. Other studies have confirmed that higher levels of risk of death in a working population are explained by health-related behaviours (Marmot 2000). There is mounting evidence that at least part of the unexplained increase in risk across the social classes is related to how the body responds to social stress. Available data shows that people are perhaps exposed to a high level of str ess factors in west Scotland (Scottish Public Health Observatory 2007). Whether these stress types and levels are more or comparable to what is obtainable in other parts of the UK remains an unanswered question. . References Gillis CR, Hole DJ, Hawthorne VM, 1988.Cigarette smoking and male lung cancer in an area of very high incidence-II Report of a general population cohort study in the West of Scotland. J Epidemiology and Community Health 42: 44-48. Hanlon P, Walsh D, Buchanan D, Redpath A (2001). Chasing the Scottish Effect. Public Health Institute of Scotland (now NHS Health Scotland) Glasgow 2001. Marmot MG, Rose G, Shipley M, Hamilton PJ. (1978) Employment grade and Coronary Heart Disease in British civil servants. J Epidemiol Community Health. 1978 Dec; 32(4): 244-9. Marmot MG (2000) Multi-level approaches to understanding social determinants in Berkman and Kawachi (eds) Social Epidemiology New York. Oxford University Press pp 349-367. Scottish executives (2007) [Internet] Available at Scottish Public Health Observatory (2007): Healthy life expectancy in Scotland (Internet) (Accessed 15/04/07) Tackling Health Inequalities – An NHS Response (2007) [Internet] (Accessed 15/04/07) Whyte B and Walsh D. (2004) Scottish Constituency Profiles Krawczyk A. (2004) Monitoring Health Inequalities. Scottish Executive Health Department Analytical Services Division 2004.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Gender Roles and Marriage in The Proposal by Chekhov and Country Lovers

In the following essay I will compare and contrast gender roles and marriage between â€Å"The Proposal† by Anton Chekhov and â€Å"Country Lovers† by Nadine Gordimer to showing how women tried to survive in controlling their identity. This essay will compare and contrast each of the characters used by two very different writers. The early 1900’s era was not kind to people in their struggle for what they tried to accomplish with their lives. Nadine Gordimer was born 1923 in Africa. She was against the opposition that the black people of Africa had to face and stressed this issue in her writings. She was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature in 1991. Anton Chekhov was also famous for Russia’s Pushkin Prize in 1888 and like Gordimer, he also wrote many short stories but sometimes ventured out into theater with several plays. Both writers lived abroad sharing the use of conflict in their writings such as unrealistic expectations, endowment and social status. They used symbolism more as a contrast instead of a comparison, but compared lower class to higher class status for each of their characters in the two short stories that will be featured in this paper. In the article written by Gordimer that is titled â€Å"Twenty-one Years Later she states that â€Å"since 1980 other media have taken over from the printed word as the most powerful means of free expression. I remain as totally opposed to censorship as ever, but I am in a quandary when I touch the wrong button on television set and find I’m confronted with a couple making Shakespeare’s ‘beast with two backs’ in a truly beastly and violent sexual display that certainly could frighten any of the many children left to amuse themselves playing the channel keyboard of television. I’m more co... ...p107, 2 p. Contemporary Review Company, Ltd. Gordimer, N., 2001 Twenty-One Years Later, Biography, spring, Vol. 30 Issue 2, p. 277, 2 p. Kenyon, O., 1989 Women Writers Talk, Carroll & Graf Publishers, ISBN-10: 0881847054. Miller, R., 2008 Sweat. February 8, Collins Harper, Retrieved Website: Ritchi, D., 2003 Doing Oral History, New York: O U P. Seyhan, A., 2001 Writing Outside the Nation, U K: Princeton University Press. Singh, G., & Kumari, D., 2011 History Revisited in Oral History by Nadine Gordimer, Language in India, February, Vol. 11 Issue 2, p 296-303, 8 p. Trump, M., 1986 The Short Fiction of Nadine Gordimer, Research in African Literatures, Fall, Vol. 17, Issue 3, p 341-369, 2 p. Winkelmann, J., 2002 â€Å"Restless Legs† in â€Å"The Wedding Proposal†, Acta Neurologica Scandinavia, April, Vol. 105 (4), p. 349-350.

Communication as a Means of Stability Essay -- Essays Papers

Communication as a Means of Stability As demonstrated throughout various Native American texts, communication tends to be the Native’s greatest challenge in that they are unable to develop successful relationships with the outside world. Ultimately, broken treaties have become the unfortunate model for miscommunication between the European Americans and the Natives. Granted the white culture and the Natives share very few of the same beliefs or traditions, neither culture has yet to successfully compromise and broken through the barrier that so obviously separates them. Therefore it remains crucial that these very different cultures develop a good enough rapport with one another that would allow either culture the freedom to practice and express their beliefs non offensively, and prevent future communication from being null. From these Native novels, in particular Louis Owen’s Bone Game and Henry Gordon’s The Light People, we learn that communication and compromise are key to the success between these cultures, and lack of it will result in feud and confusion. The plot unfolds in Bone Game as a Native American professor Alex Yazzie unleashes a large cultural discrepancy between Natives and the white people as he skins a deer at his Santa Cruz residence for faculty housing. Since this act is atypical and shunned by the white community by which Alex is surrounded, tensions rise as his actions are perceived as barbaric. It is Cole, the story’s protagonist and a fellow Native, whom the university calls upon to mediate and resolve this disturbing â€Å"Indian Emergency† (Owens 23). Contrary to the school’s understanding and the laws that govern the county, this native is simply partaking in traditional Indian practices and u... ...ion aspect of it, but more importantly the â€Å"potential† it had as a future tourist location (Henry 101). According to Webster’s Dictionary, an agreement is defined as an arrangement made by negotiation between two parties. The word negotiation infers somewhat of a compromise or acceptance through successful communication by both parties. Yet through historical events, especially those pertaining to Native American’s, society has developed an understanding that language tends to often be dishonest. As Owens puts it, â€Å"The realization that words can say what they don’t mean and mean what they don’t say†¦[indicates] to an Indian [that] every sentence in English may be a broken treaty† (Owens 43). Works Cited Henry, Gordon Jr. The Light People. University of Oklahoma Press: Oklahoma, 1994. Owens, Louis. Bone Game. University of Oklahoma Press: Oklahoma, 1994.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Regional American Literature :: essays research papers

Journal Entry: Regional American Literature & the South   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Regional American Literature seems to deal with specific areas and their culture. Culture has evolved throughout the years. Using the South as an example, its culture was clearly defined before the Civil War. The South was comprised mostly of slaves working hard picking cotton until their fingers bled for no pay, white supremacist slave owners quick to bludgeon at the slightest sign of insurgence and the rest of the populace unsure of which side they belong. Blacks were looked at as possessions, not allowed to learn how to read or write, sleeping in dark, damp shacks dirtier than animal stables, beaten and raped at their owner’s whim. Today, though the South still has an air of contempt that has carried itself through generation after generation of confederate pride, a new generation has a mind of its own believing that life is better lived in harmony. Our grandparents, mothers and fathers may still reference the African-Americans as â€Å"niggers,† but the phrase makes the children of the 21st century’s skin crawl. For example, my mother-in-law came for a visit and said, â€Å"The Smith’s house was bought by a bunch of niggers. There goes the neighborhood. All of our houses are worthless now.† Her son and I are adamantly against racism. Their attempt to taint their children’s belief system by implanting white supremacist ideals has failed. A new generation is born; a generation which better understands the melting pot that America has always been. Instead of â€Å"white pride,† it’s just pride; pride in being an American. I believe this generation, being the so over-exposed to a wealth of media and knowledge, has drastically altered the regional literature of the South and for that matter, the United States as a whole.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  And how can adults operating under the â€Å"old southern principals† raise their children to value education and become doctors, lawyers and leaders of corporations. Maybe the parents didn’t teach the children this drive for education? Maybe it’s their peer discussions and television programming showing them that there is an abundance of opportunities outside of being a farmer, beer truck driver or a stay-at-home mother right out of high school. Television has been and continues to be a powerful tool in getting the word out to those underprivileged children living in poverty with seemingly no hope for a better life. Television is also assisting

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Prose Text Assignment Of Mice and Men Essay

‘Of Mice and Men’ is about two basic needs – the need for companionship and the need to have something to look forward to. I agree the above statement, all of the characters in the story all experience some form of loneliness. Every one of the characters has a different dream in each one is trying to fulfil it in a different way. The story of Of Mice and Men was set in the period of American history called the ‘Depression’. This period of history lasted from roughly from 1930 to the start of World War 2 (1939). In this period nearly all the companies and banks went bust the stock market crashed and peoples savings disappeared when the banks closed. People very suddenly where very poor. Most people where unemployed, and with unemployment came poverty, hunger and homelessness. It was very difficult to buy food or pay the rent. In America during the ‘Depression’ men travelled in order to find work. Few travelling men could form lasting friendships because they had to keep moving on. A man travelling alone was more vulnerable to being attacked imprisoned or just very lonely. Of Mice and Men is a story based on two men who travel America together looking for work. George travels with his mentally handicapped friend called Lennie. The pair of them has nothing of their own, only the clothes they stand in and each other. Together they share a dream, that one day they will own some land of their own. They find work in a ranch in Satinas Valley, California. They meet of few people on the ranch but find it hard to make new friends. Their dream is soon ruined as Lennie misunderstands the difference between love and cruelty and becomes a victim of his own strength and power. He becomes friends with the only women on the ranch and forms a good friendship with Curley’s Wife. Their friendship soon turns to love and they start to develop a physical relationship, Lennie doesn’t know his own strength and grabs hold of her to hard and strangles her. Everyone finds out and Lennie is threatened with the prospect of being locked up in a mental institution or being executed by the government, so George saves him from this by shooting him. Crookes works as the sable buck hand on the ranch. He first appears in the story on pages 66-82. He is a crippled old man who gets his name from the way his spines bends (crooked). He has deep eyes and looks intense with his face, which is lean and wrinkled. On the ranch he is of a minority as he is the only black person on the ranch, which means he suffers a lot of prejudice remarks from other people. He is a very lonely man, and can often be bitter towards people he doesn’t trust. Particularly white people, as he’s not sure he can trust them. Crookes has is own room on the ranch, as none of the other men want him to stop in the bunkhouse. The only person Crookes can talk to is Lennie, although Lennie doesn’t understand what he is saying as he is mentally handicapped. Crookes seems to like tormenting Lennie and sometimes says some very nasty things to him. Crookes however has more possessions than the other men has he has been on the ranch nearly all his life. He has little money but still has managed to gather some things of his own e.g. books and a dictionary. He is a very proud man and doesn’t like to ask anyone for anything, even though he is crippled he still manages to keep his room neatly swept and is quite ‘aloof’. Crookes suffers from a lot of loneliness, as he is the only black person on the ranch. However he often has the chance to avoid loneliness but rejects it, Lennie tries to speak to him and befriend him but instead of trying to make friends he wallows in self-pity. He is very critical of other people an their dreams and hopes. He tells Candy he will help him fulfil his dreams, but afterwards when he has built his hopes up he tells him he was messing around and won’t help him at all. He has probably spent all of his life on the ranch and thinks there is no way for him to leave, so he has given up hope and lost ambition. George along with Lennie is the main character in the story. He is a short man but is very quick. He is ‘dark of the face’ and has eyes, which appear very restless. He is described as sharp and strong with body parts that are small and strong. His arms are slender and strong and he has a thin boney nose. George wears the same clothes as his companion Lennie; black hats, denim trousers and coat, and carries a blanket over his shoulder. George is rather a unsung hero of the story, he certainly lacks no courage. He has looked after Lennie for a long time, and spares his friend from loneliness. He stops Lennie from being locked up in a mental institution or being executed by the state government. He shoots Lennie but for his own good. Some people may think he did it for selfish reasons as h has looked after Lennie for a long time and is fed up of him. He did it because he cares about Lennie and didn’t want him to suffer loneliness and depression. He cares about Lennie and saved him from what he knows would be worse than death. George would have probably been able to make a good life for himself if it wasn’t for Lennie. George is an intelligent good thinking man, who is very sensible and used to taking charge. He cares a lot about Lennie and is always looking out for him, he is very cautious and warns Lennie about drinking the dirty pond water and tells him to be careful of the bedding at the bunkhouse in case he catches lice. George accepted the burden of looking after Lennie when Lennie Aunt Clara asked him. Without Lennie George would be very lonely, he and Lennie share a big brother-little brother kind of relationship. George has loyally stuck by Lennie throughout everything and having someone to look after and that depends on him makes George feel a better person. Georges longs for independence and would love to be his own boss. George is a kind hearted and compassionate person he sometimes gets frustrated but doesn’t have a bad temper. He is very careful on who he trusts and is very careful when he meets people. He has to be a good judge of character and know who to trust and who not to, because of his and Lennie’s past. George is kind to everyone but he hates Curley he knows that he is nothing more than a bully. He tells Lennie to keep away from him as they cant afford to loose their jobs. However he encourages Lennie to stand up for himself against him. The only thing in life holding him back is Lennie. Lennie is a big man; he has a shapeless face and big pale eyes. He walks slowly but heavily, emphasising how slow his mind is. He has very strong instincts and has bad feeling about staying at the ranch and pleads with George for them to leave. He shows a cunning side and often uses it in getting his own way with George. In the first part of the story Lennie shows us this by using emotional blackmail. George looses his temper so Lennie tells him he is going to live in the woods alone, so George feels sorry for him so he tells him to come back. Lennie has a lot of animal-like qualities, which shows us his strength. He looks up to George like a father or big brother and often copies his ways. As Lennie is mentally handicapped he is unaware of the he is a victim of prejudice remarks and is unable to elate to many people, this often makes his behaviour childlike. Lennie would rather have the company of animals. However is his made to be a likeable character, Candy likes him and even Crookes warms to him. Lennie doesn’t understand he needs to be careful with fragile things and is very heavy handed and doesn’t learn from his mistakes. He reacts very much like a child and often panics. Lennie’s major problem is that he doesn’t know the consequences of his own strength. Lennie doesn’t understand loneliness but if he knew what it meant then he would probably be very lonely but because he is mentally handicapped he has no understanding of this feeling. He understands the need to have something important to look forward to. Lennie’s dream is very important to him; he nearly knows it all his self. He his always-getting George to tell it him over and over again like a child who loves to be told a bedtime story. At the end of the story Lennie has two hallucinations, one with his Aunt Clara in and the other with a giant rabbit in. This could be the author’s way of outlining the abuse Lennie has suffered through his life. Or it could be Lennie conscience telling him that he has done wrong, even though he doesn’t understand how it was wrong. Curley’s wife is an important character in the story, but the author is showing ho little the men think of her by giving her no name. She is seen to be nothing more than one of Curley’s possessions. When we are first introduced she is dressed up as if she is going out somewhere important when in fact all she is doing is staying on the ranch. She has large lips which are emphasised by the red lipstick she wears, she wears lots of make-up, red nail varnish, red shoes, red ostrich feathers and has her hair fastened back in curls. She wears a lot of the colour red, which shows a lot about her. Red is a colour, which is associated with lots of different things, mainly blood that is a clue, her death is near. It is also associated with danger, which is telling you do not get involved with this person she is bad news. Red is commonly regarded as a sexy colour, she is probably trying to show her self to the men as in the story she is displayed as a Scarlet Women. Often she pretends to be looking for her husband but the men know that she is just looking for an excuse, as she is looking for company, as she is lonely, although the men see it as she is just flirting with them. She is the only woman on the ranch, which is a disadvantage, and often gets little attention from anyone including her husband. Many people may think she has it all a husband and a house, but she is just as lonely if not more than any worker on the ranch. She doesn’t think a lot of her husband, which probably means she just married him for the sake of it, the only things they have in common is that their both very selfish. Slim is one of the only people to be kind to her, George feels sorry for her but is worried on the effect she has on Lennie. However her and Lennie get on well and start to develop a physical relationship. Lennie who doesn’t know how to be careful with fragile things takes things to far and ends up strangling her. Candy is the first person George and Lennie meet when they arrive at the ranch. He is the swamper, which is like a cleaner, the lowliest job on the ranch. His name is even belittles him, it’s a girls name. He is a tall man who only has one hand. He is a victim also of prejudice remarks because of his age and disability. He is careful of everyone because he doesn’t want people to tease him. He never sticks up for himself, the only time he did was with Curley’s wife. He has a lot of dignity, which shows the kind of person he once was. Candy has lots of gossip on everyone, which could be seen as getting is own back on people who has upset him by making comments about people behind their back. He always tells the newcomers the gossip on everyone. He is a lonely person and the only companion he has is an old dog. The animal is old and probably needs to be out down but means a lot to candy as he is so lonely. Candy would love to leave the ranch and when he finds out about George and Lennie’s plan he wants to help, and offer to give them his savings, which would easily cover the cost of over half the farm. George, Lennie and Candy thought that in only a couple of weeks their dream to leave the ranch and own a farm would come true. All of the characters in this story are lonely the person I think is the most lonely is George. He has no real friends the only person he has to talk to is Lennie but he doesn’t fully understand what he is saying.

Monday, September 16, 2019

European Economic and Monetary Union

Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) is a single currency area within the European Union single market in which people, goods, services and capital move without restrictions. It creates the framework for economic growth and stability and is underpinned by an independent central bank and legal obligations on the participating Member States to pursue sound economic policies and to coordinate these policies very closely.As trade between the EU Member States reaches 60% of their total trade, EMU is the natural complement of the single market. This market will work more efficiently and deliver its benefits more fully with the removal of high transaction costs brought about by currency conversions and the uncertainties linked to exchange rate instability. EMU and the economic performance of the Euro area will have their largest external effects on neighboring economies in western Europe and on developing and transition countries with important trade and financial links to Europe, including countries that link their currencies to the Euro. Among emerging market economies, those likely to be most affected are the transition countries of the central and Eastern Europe and the Baltics.The global environment has been favorable in a number of respects for the transition to EMU and the achievements of its objectives. The strong demand for euro-area exports from industrial countries at more advanced stages of the business cycle and the depreciation of the currencies of euro area countries over the past four years fostered a strengthening of growth in the euro area and helped to offset the effects of the Asian crisis. There are also challenges for EMU in the global economic environment: The crisis in Asia and other emerging market economies could produce adverse spillover effects and make the monetary policy more difficult to carry out. The continuation of the crisis could result in weakening of the external demand, which, in turn, could dampen confidence and domestic demand. The financial market volatility could increase the uncertainty in assessing the economic indicators. The economic crisis in emerging markets could influence the commercial banks in the euro- area to make substantial provisions for non-performing loans. It is, of course, impossible to predict the properties of the behavior of the exchange value of the Euro. With regard to broad trend, it seems likely that the Euro will tend to appreciate against the U.S. dollar and pound sterling over the next few years, but depreciate against the Japanese yen when Japan†s economic recovery begins. The United Kingdom and the United States have reached relatively advanced stages of their cyclical upswings, with resources more fully utilized than in the euro area, the Euro†s initial value comparing to the pound and the U.S. dollar can reasonably be considered to be below its medium-term equilibrium. As the economic recovery in Europe proceeds and the growth in the U.K. and U.S. economies slows, the Euro will most likely appreciate against those currencies. On the other hand, Japan economy remains in the critical position. The resumption of moderate growth will lead to a recovery of the yen. Thus Euro is expected to depreciate against the yen over the next few years. According to some widely made predictions: Euroland's capital markets, from equities to corporate bonds to municipal finance, will grow exponentially in coming years as the removal of cross-border currency risk drives pan-European markets. The Euro will stand alongside the dollar as the second-most-important currency in the world, reflecting its coming role in global trade and finance as well as its common usage by 290 million Euroland citizens. The new central bank has been given the independence to pursue price stability as a primary objective. This feature will affect the credibility of the ECB positively and thus the investors would see the Euro as a stable store of value in the next decade. Once the single currency takes effect, the national central banks of the euro area will reduce their international reserve holdings. Trade within the euro area will be denominated in a single currency and will no longer need to be backed by international reserves. Estimates of the EMU countries† resulting surplus of international reserves range from $50 billion to $230 billion. The scenarios that are presented in the European Commission Forward Studies Unit†s report regarding the economic situation in Europe towards the year 2010, reflect the possibilities rather fairly. I personally find the report an accurate study containing precise predictions. Out of the five futures for Europe, I think the Scenario No.3 seems the most logical and possible theory to occur. The reason I chose this particular scenario is because it focuses on the following issues: Transformation of the public sector Efforts to include Eastern Europe Agreements on unemployment issues Turning hierarchical pyramids on their heads Although in some countries public administrations such as central, regional and local government have started to make preparations for the introduction of the Euro, in general the evidence is that such organizations have taken few practical steps to prepare for the changeover. The grounds mainly are that they have plenty of time because they operate largely at the ‘retail end of the marketplace' and that they will need to await the circulation of the new notes and coins. The view of the Federation des Experts Comptables Europeens (FEE) is that this is a risky and potentially costly strategy and that early preparation is essential to reduce both risks and costs. Public administrations therefore ought to be preparing their own management and operations systems now for the changeover to the Euro according to advice issued by FEE. In the near future, member states would often present the Commission with their convergence programs, which would also assess long term prospects for the public sector. These programs would indicate the durability of deficit cuts in the countries whose public economies have been urgently trimmed to meet Euro conditions. Economic growth and structural reforms to reduce cost pressures on the budget are permanent methods but, for example, special taxes need to be supplemented by corrective measures to ensure permanent budget discipline. Indeed, the views of member states about the long term public economy could diverge when their euro-eligibility is assessed and the choice of euro members has to be explained to the public. The European Union is currently being enlarged to include the transition countries of the Baltics and Eastern Europe. The countries that intend to join the union will need to show progress toward meeting the Maastricht criteria. Potential EU members must overcome a number of challenges. They need to progress with privatization and to continue to reduce government involvement in their economy while disassembling monopolies, removing trade restrains and developing flexible labor markets. Six countries-Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Poland and Slovenia-have received favorable opinions from the Commission on their applications. These countries have already made good progress in meeting the guidelines of the treaty. In this particular scenario No.3, the accession negotiations of the Union with Turkey is mentioned. I personally think without the contributions of the Eastern Europe and the Baltics the future objectives of the Euro and the European Union can not be accomplished. Especially the future admission of Turkey to the Union is vital regarding the geographical position of this country, which not only connects Europe to Asia but also, forms a bridge of culture, a common ground between people from different horizons. However the Union still ignores the importance of Turkey†s role in various agreements and settlements made between Europe and Asia which are vital for the future of EU. But in the next decade as it starts to see the big picture, the efforts of the Union to include the Eastern Europe in the game would increase remarkably. Strong growth will allow further progress in reducing the euro zone's high jobless rate. Some of the member†s unemployment rate decreased drastically by keeping the game close to the euro zone standards. Job growth has been spurred by record low interest rates, a result of cuts from high levels to assure euro zone convergence. Low rates are fueling domestic demand, especially consumer spending and construction. Business investment is also gaining. Still, global weakness is depressing exports, and that's why job growth is expected to slow a bit in the second half. Even as construction, agriculture, and services, especially tourism, post solid growth, manufacturing jobs fell . The governments plan to cut prices in regulated utilities, likely to be followed by efforts to reform pricing in retail distribution and certain services. Some member countries have a lot of employees who want to work more hours. So automatically a connection is established between the government and the public. In 2010 the governments together with other businesses, local authorities and community associations would continuously try to move the obstacles in the way and make it easier for the unemployed citizens to find a job in a satisfying environment. â€Å"Turning hierarchical pyramids on the heads†. That phase itself made this scenario No.3 look more real than the others. Europe has a long history and the Europeans have lived through more dramatic events than any other culture of the world. It is now time to give the people of Europe something special. Only but only if † the hierarchical pyramids† are turned on their heads, will the Europeans thoroughly support the EMU and the Euro. Transformation of the public sector, efforts to include Eastern Europe and the efforts on the critical unemployment issue are all a part of the strategy in the new epoch † Shared Responsibilities†. It is now time that people take the real issue in their hands and get in charge. The times when everything is expected from the governments are over. For the professional organizations of Europe the launch of the Euro presents an important organizational and even philosophical challenge. By bringing down barriers to cross-border trade, the Euro makes a pan-European perspective crucial for efficient and effective operations. Many companies are, therefore, focusing on changing their culture, not their organizational structure. To be successful, Europeans will no longer be able to look at themselves as operating with complete autonomy; rather, they will have to see themselves as operating within a federation of businesses that, while independent, share common responsibilities.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Reading methods

English 1001 requires you to take additional classes including English 105 and 106, personally I do not like this method of classes but I do enjoy my 105 class out of all of them, because of this I am always given tons of reading material! In my 1001 class I recently read an article called â€Å"O. K. Glass† by Gary Shteyngart which is an article about the glasses developed by Google that can take pictures, record video, enable video chat with another person over Skype, and many other functions.When I was reading this article about 2 weeks ago it became extremely confusing to figure out ho was talking either the author or the person he was interviewing. I used this article to write a critical examination essay, examining the aspects of the article and deciding whether I agreed with the author or not. The Reading was about how the author was able to get ahold of a pair Google Glass and he was invited by Google to attend their Google Basecamp, which was to teach him about the fu nctions of Google Glass and all the possibilities using these glasses could produce.Shteyngart went around interviewing people on what they thought of Glass and also conducted his wn tests on it as a part of this article. For this reading I chose KWL+, personally I feel this strategy works the best for me it helps me remember what I read and shows me what I already knew. Some of the questions I came up with for this reading were why did Google not make the glasses compatible with Apple products, I realize they are competitors but more than 70% of the population that would buy Google Glass has an Apple IPhone.The reason you want the glasses to be compatible is because when they are synced the glasses they will show your phone screen through the lasses and you are also able to have a phone call without holding your phone. I also wondered about the quality of the camera on the glasses, considering the glasses are fairly small I wondered if it was as good as an IPhone camera. What I did learn from using KWL+ was that the audio recording on the glasses sounds like you are underwater when you talk, definitely something Google needs to work on.Also this accessory will only appeal to those willing to pay a hefty price tag of $1 500 for this pair of tech glasses. Even with the price tag in consideration almost everyone thinks hey are awesome: â€Å"that is so dope' says a college studentm (O. K. Glass). I believe Google Glass definitely has a place in todays society of ever advancing technology, 10 years ago something like this would be unheard of as well as way over the price tag of $1500.If Google is able to work out the kinks with the compatibility with Apple products I think the glasses will sell even better, and also working out the issues with the voice recognition. Shteyngart's article was relatively unbiased, it really did a great job of focusing on what the people thought of the glasses and what didn't work and hat worked straight forward and no deceptive sta tistics were in the article. One thing that helps Google Glass is that it is the first of its kind, nothing like this is available anywhere else.The glasses are scheduled to be released in 2014 so we will have to wait and see if Google is able to work out the kinks with its product. I plan to research the Glasses when the first real reviews come out in 2014 because I am excited to see if they are really worth buying. I will definitely use the KWL+ strategy again because it works the best for me and helps me retain information doesn't work well I will use ole faithful, KWL+.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Methodology: Metro Manila and Caloocan City

This chapter presents the research design of the study, the subjects and the area of the study, sampling method, data needed, the research instrument, procedures for data gathering, procedures for data analysis and logistics, schedule and budgetary requirements. Research Design The study made use of Descriptive Analysis in determining the attitudes of student smokers to selected Caloocan City student smokers.Descriptive analysis was appropriate for the researchers' study which discovered and described the attitudes of student smokers towards smoking despite the SIN Tax Law and the effects of smoking towards student smokers themselves as its primary objective. Descriptive analysis was the most appropriate way on obtaining these two variables. The research study made used of survey and in-depth interview as research techniques. The advantage of having survey as research instrument was the cheapest technique.If correct sampling was achieved, the result of the survey would be generally a ccurate. Past and present information can also be use and apply to the study. The disadvantage of having survey as research instrument was limited in scope and respondents may not write honest answers. In-depth interview was a qualitative research technique used by the researchers that allowed researchers person to person discussion. It was lead to increased insight into people’s thoughts and behaviour on the important issues.This was often unstructured and therefore permitted the interviewer to encourage the respondent to talk at length about the topic of interests. The advantaged of conducting an In-depth interview was the ability to choose respondents. It generated ideas in pilot studies and obtaining greater depth information on a topic of interest as a supplement to data received from other methods. Survey had researchers' primary instruments since the research locales of the study are respondents (student smokers) and this instrument deeply gave researchers a deeper und erstanding about our respondent’s uses towards the study.Survey was the most appropriate way on obtaining the attitudes of respondents towards the study and the effects of the study to the respondents as well as their demographic profile. The researchers have to ask them questions through survey forms that range from smoking and effects of smoking, social aspects to family and friends, satisfaction value and how smoking serves them as, if something good, in their life. Research InstrumentIn this study, the primary instrument that was used to determine the attitudes of smoking among the selected Caloocan City student smokers was the survey questionnaire. The questionnaire was formulated based on the related literatures and studies presented. The related literatures and studies lead the researchers about the advantages and disadvantages of smoking as well as the brand of cigarette that was used by student smokers. The respondents were provided with a convenient list of question s on which the respondents will only encircle their answers.The questionnaire was composed of the respondent’s demographic profile such as their names, age, gender, civil status, and academic status. The researchers wanted to know about the number of cigarettes a student smoker smoke each day, the certain effects in their living, and how did smoking change their perception on education. Subjects of the Study The respondents of the study were the selected smokers in Caloocan City. This includes students ranging from 16 – 30 years of age in Caloocan City within the vicinity of UE Caloocan.Research Locale The researchers conducted the study in the vicinity of Caloocan City area. Caloocan City is located in the northern part of Metropolitan Manila. The city is divided into two parts: the urban portion, which was bounded on the north part of Malabon, on the east of Quezon City, on the south of Manila and Navotas, and on the west of Manila Bay; the rural portion, bounded on the north by San Jose Del Monte in Bulacan, on the east and south of Quezon City, and on the west of Valenzuela.It occupies a total land area of 55. 8 square kilometres. Caloocan City is composed of 188 barangays, which are subdivided into two Congressional Districts. It has been classified as a Highly Urbanized City. (Caloocan City Municipality) Sampling Method The proposed study made used of Simple Random and Stratified Random sampling method. Simple random method is a method of selecting a sample size from a universe such that each member of the population has an equal chance of being included. Data Gathering ProceduresThe major data gathering procedures, by means of conducting the survey, carried out and accomplished by all the researchers together as a group since the subject of the study and the research locale was within the vicinity of Caloocan City area. The questionnaires will be personally handled by the researchers to the respondents. The researchers then directly answer s any question that the respondent raised to ask regarding the survey questionnaires, then the respondents answer the questionnaires, they collect it for immediate review, made sure that every item has been answered to avoid invalid forms.In this procedure, we aimed to do it and work for it as a team, from the formulation of the question to actual conduction of the survey, and from tallying of survey results, to the interpretation and analysis of data, since these are tiring doing it by just one person, we considered not only cooperation from our team, but more of collaboration from each and every one of us.Data Analysis Procedure After collecting the questionnaires, the researchers tally the data from the respondents. They tabulate it to make it easy for the user to analyse as basis for making interpretations. The collected data to arrange in groups or classified to descriptive as basis for analysis of the results.